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Japanese whale hunt abandoned for second year
For a second year in a row the Japanese whaling fleet has abandoned its Antarctic hunt early.
Anti-whaling Sea Shepherd activists who've been shadowing the Japanese are claiming it as a victory.
The whalers are sailing home to Japan with less than a third of their planned quota.
The Sea Shepherd ship, Bob Barker, finally located the Japanese whaling factory ship in waters near Antarctica, after a fortnight's chase around the Southern Ocean.
Although the Japanese whalers did kill 266 minke whales and 1 fin whale, this new development is nonetheless a win for the whales; the whalers' total haul represents less than a third of Japan's (self-allocated) quota of 900 "takes" per year, despite a $30 million increase in the whaling fleet's security (drawn from tsunami relief funds).
Japan is blaming its comparatively meager catch on a combination of harsh weather conditions and the combined actions of various "saboteurs".