Stranding Locations
Marine Mammals Ashore:
A Field Guide for Strandings (J.R. Geraci & V.J. Lounsbury in hardcover format
Marine Mammals Ashore describes rescue operations, how to organize a response team, and how to deal with the media and the public. It includes basic information on marine mammal biology, life history, and health, and an extensive bibliography.
PDF Version [29mb]
Cetacean Stranding Networks
- Canada

Northeast Region - CLICK for larger view
- North America
- Marine Mammal Hotline - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (888) 256-9840
- California - Sea Turtle Restoration Project (STRP) (415) 663-8590
- Northeast Region - SEE map
- Nova Scotia - The Marine Mammal Response Society monitors and responds to strandings and incidental catches of marine mammals. Dead or live-stranded animals, animals seen floating, or animals caught in fishinggear (whether killed, released alive, or trailing gear) are recorded through the Society.
- Texas - Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network Founded in 1980, the group is a nonprofit volunteer-based organization dedicated to the understanding and conservation of marine mammals.The Network rescues and rehabilitates marine mammals that strand along the Texas Coast, providing food, medical treatment and 24-hour-a-day observation.
- South America
- Peru - ORCCAMM - RESCUE is a group of specialists and well trained volunteers ready to assist any kind of emergency with stranded marine mammals: first aid, emergency rescues and medical attention are provided in order to help injured or marine mammals in distress. Our current operations are done along the Peruvian coast, covering 1000km in more than 50 stations. Call: (01) 938 94 30 or (01) 724 58 44
- Caribbean & Puerto Rica
- Caribbean - The Caribbean Stranding Network (Red Caribena de Varamientos) has a web page dedicated to information on strandings and conservation of marine mammals in the Caribbean. The page is mostly in Spanish, but has a few English pages dealing with whales, dolphins, seals and manatees. It also has a bilingual form to document stranding cases in Caribbean countries.
- United Kingdom
- UK National Whale Strandings Scheme 0207 942-5155
- Cornwall Wildlife Trust 0845 201-2626
- Devon Wildlife Trust 0139 227-9244