World Alternate News Network

Why should you be concerned about the Establishment Press and what you read?

Firstly, the Press believes that the presence of dedicated volunteers and entrepreneurs into the field of "print" journalism devalues the position of some marginal journalists, by providing an alternative news source as competition, and therefore devaluing the product they produce.


Secondly and more importantly, the Establishment Press has been not so much in the news reporting business for the past few decades as in the news management business.

The threat to independent journalism from rapidly consolidating press ownership has been adequately documented for the past several years. Corporations are buying up media outlets less for profit than for power. By controlling the media, they believe they can control the national consciousness. By replacing adversarial journalism with fluff "infotainment", the consumer is denied knowledge of very important issues.

Thirdly, the Establishment Press has implied that the "reader" is not sophisticated enough to weed through "unfiltered news" and ferret out the truth. But the fact is, Internet news readers are among the most intelligent in the world.

  • 95% of all readers had a college education
  • 64% held advanced degrees
  • Over half had incomes exceeding $50,000/yr
[ Stats - Data Network Systems ]

The idea that Internet news consumers lack sophistication is totally false

The growing popularity of the Internet as a news source, along with the shrinking popularity of virtually all traditional news sources indicates that the Press is simply another business, geared to generate profits, and an industry that gives people little of what they want. We think people want "the unfiltered truth" and we believe, thanks in large part to the Internet, that desire is more attainable today than it has ever been.

Whether you're an originator, conveyor or reader of news there is a place for you on the 'World Alternate News Network'. Join us by subscribing to our email list and you'll start to get -

"The News You Just Don't See"

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1. Cetaceans (Whales & Dolphins)

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This list was created to distribute the NEWS. Typical users include website owners who maintain archives on specific topics, special interest groups and people interested in reading "The News You Just Don't See".

  • Opinions and comments are NOT ALLOWED. Offenders will be MODERATED.
  • Acceptable news items include:
    • News items from ORIGINAL sources ie. from the writers.
    • Items from the Established Media as long as the author is credited.
  • All news items SHOULD be TITLED and commense with LOCATION, DATE and SOURCE ie.

    Scientists Tackle Spain's Frozen Mystery

    MADRID, Spain, 21 January, 2002 (AP) . . .

  • Include CONTACTS, LINKS and BIBLIOGRAPHIES if available.
  • To reduce REPEAT POSTS check the list before you post your news.


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