Australian Prime Minister "Very Disappointed" over Japanese Whaling |
Is that All We get from the Australian Prime Minister... Disappointed?

Japan has asked to build submarines for the Australian Navy |
Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull has said he is "very disappointed" by Japan's decision to resume Antarctic whaling as he began a brief visit to Tokyo, his first since becoming leader in September. Japan's whaling fleet set out for the Southern Ocean again earlier this month, with a target of 333 minke whales, a decision that has sparked a formal protest by 33 countries.
Japan's whaling is no longer a 'disappointment' or an 'emotional issue'. No longer are Japan's actions a 'difference of opinion' or about 'vested interests' or 'friendship', as has been said endlessly. Japan's actions are CRIMINAL since the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 2014 ruled Japan's slaughter of whales in the Southern Ocean was NOT SCIENTIFIC and had to stop. In the Australian Federal Court the Humane Society International (HSI) with help from the Environmental Defender's Office fought and won a case against the Japanese company Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha with evidence that on four occasions the whaling company caught minke whales within waters off Antarctica that are designated as a whale sanctuary by Australian environmental law. Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha was fined A$1,000,000
Chief Executive Michael Kennedy (HSI) says, "Japan always claimed it was doing its work legally. Well our court case in 2004 and the ICJ in 2014 proves that nothing they do in our view is at all legal."
The Australian Government has the 'Will of the people' and the 'Law', both domestic and International, on its side. It is time to act.
There can be no submarine contracts with Japan (there are other options) and the Japanese whalers must be turned back. Physically turned back... blockaded from entering Australia's Antarctic EEZ.
The Sea Shepherd Vessel Sam Simon must, no longer, be the only defender of whales in the Southern Ocean. The Australian Government must stand up and stop the whalers. They are poaches heading to a Whale Sanctuary to murder and butcher the animals the Sanctuary protects and Australia manages (AAT) on behalf of the world. In parts of Africa wildlife poaches are shot and killed. That is a horid position for a Government to be in but the Japanese poaches in their Factory Ship, the Nisshin Maru, must be turned back to Japan without killing one whale.
The Australian people demand it... the World demands it.
Graham J. Clarke - Whales on the Net (Whales in Danger)