Esso Australia Pty Ltd/Exploration (mineral, oil, gas)/Gippsland/VIC/.
Proposed interference to cetaceans off Gippsland, Victoria
In accordance with section 87 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), I, MALCOLM ANDREW FORBES, Assistant Secretary, delegate for the Minister for the Environment and Heritage under the EPBC Act, hereby decide that the proposed action described in the Schedule must be assessed on preliminary documentation.
The proposed action is to interfere with cetaceans through seismic surveys in the course of conducting oil and gas exploration, within the Australian exclusive economic zone, to be undertaken by Esso Australia, Pty Ltd.
The seismic surveys are to be conducted in waters off the Victorian coast between latitudes 38°29ŽE and 38°55'E and longitude 148°10'S and 148°50'S.
Malcolm Andrew Forbes
Delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Heritage
WID News - Member of the World Alternate News Network (WANNet) - "The News You Just Don't Sea"