Freedom - A Way of Life
Corky's freedom faces one huge obstacle. It is the American company Anheuser-Busch, maker of Budweiser beer and owner of Sea World in San Diego, California... where Corky is incarcerated. The company refuses to give Corky a chance to win a new life for herself and her family.
Beautiful islands, forests, mountains, and waters are home where for thousands of years orcas have lived in their nuclear and extended families that we call pods. At the heart of the family is the mother. Her children, even her adult sons, stay together throughout life. Only death - or capture - breaks this bond.
We often take personal freedom for granted. Sometimes, situations arise that make us aware of the fragility of our freedoms and the importance of defending them.
Corky (Shamu) |
"Corky" is an orca whale. She was abducted from her family in 1969 at the age of 4. At the time we knew very little about orcas, now we know much more. . .
Corky is the oldest surviving captive orca. Yet, at 30 years of age (1995) Corky is still young for an orca female in the natural world. In the wild, Corky would be a young mother with perhaps two or three offspring and at least a decade of reproductive life ahead. In captivity, Corky has been pregnant 7 times. None of her offspring survived more than a few weeks. Corky's life as a captive has been very hard.
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For many years, Paul Spong, along with other environmentalists, has been pressing for Corky's release. Paul has met with Sea World officials at San Antonio, Texas to discuss Corky and try and establish a common ground. Unfortunately, efforts at diplomacy and friendly argument failed to persuade SeaWorld of the benefits they could reap from Corky's release. SeaWorld believes release is not feasible.
L i n k s
To write to Dr. Paul Spong, email: (Orcalab)
Whales in Danger Information Service